Panevėžio lopšelio-darželio „Gintarėlis“ direktorė K.Brinklienė ir direktoriaus pavaduotoja ugdymui D. Aliukienė dalyvavo Nordplus Junior programos tarptautinio projekto „Tarptautinis švietimo įstaigų bendradarbiavimas - raktas į geresnį vaikų ugdymą” parengiamajame vizite, kuris vyko Kohtla-Järve Tammiku pradinėje mokykloje, Estijoje. Vizito metu taip pat aplankėme Kohtla-Järve lopšelį-darželį „Karuke“ Estijoje, kuris nedalyvavo parengiamajame vizite kaip partneris, bet mielai sutiko tapti būsimo naujo projekto partneriu. Susipažinome su įstaigomis ir Estijos švietimo sistema šiomis dienomis. Kiekviena įstaiga dalinosi praktinėmis įtraukiojo ugdymo patirtimis kasdieninėse veiklose. Ugdymo metodų ir priemonių taikymu vaikų ugdymo procese integruojant individualių poreikių turinčius vaikus. Stebėjome ir patys buvome dalyviais mokytojų organizuotose veiklose, kuriose matėme mokinių iš kitų šalių adaptacijos palengvinimą, kitakalbių įtrauktį, darbą su vaikais, turinčiais įvairių individualių poreikių, tokiose kaip muzika, pažintinė veikla, meno terapija, skaičiavimas, darbas, panaudojant šiuolaikines technologijas. Susipažinome su įstaigų lauko ir vidaus aplinkų pritaikymu vaikams, turintiems individualių poreikių. Mokyklos atstovai dalinosi savo sukurta pagalbos sistema, skirta būsimiems pirmokams, darželis - vaikų parengimu mokyklai, kad būtų lengvesnė adaptacija pereinant iš vienos įstaigos į kitą. Susipažinus iš arčiau su Estijos mokyklų darbu, dirbome komandoje rengiant būsimo projekto paraišką. Buvo aptarti projekto tikslai, uždaviniai, laukiami rezultatai, projekto įgyvendinimo galimybės. Aptarėme projekto prioritetus, pagrindines įžvalgas, organizavimo ir vykdymo etapus, atsakomybes, veiklas, kiekvienos institucijos indėlį, atsakomybių pasidalinimą. Parengiamojo vizito metu susipažinome su Kohtla-Järve miestu ir jo apylinkėmis, to krašto kultūra. Labai džiaugiamės turėdami galimybę pratęsti bendradarbiavimą su ankstesnio projekto partneriais ir susipažinti su naujais partneriais, su kuriais ir toliau tęsime bendradarbiavimą.
K.Brinkliene, Director of Panevezys Kindergarten "Gintarelis", and D.Aliukiene, Deputy Director for Education, participated in the preparatory visit of the Nordplus Junior Programme international project "International cooperation of educational institutions - the key to better education for children", which took place in Kohtla-Järve Tammiku Primary school, Estonia. During the visit, we also visited the Kohtla-Järve Kindergarten "Karuke" in Estonia, which did not participate as a partner in the preparatory visit, but was happy to become a partner in the future new project.
We got to know the institutions and the Estonian education system these days. Each institution shared practical experiences of inclusive education in their daily activities. The application of educational methods and tools in the process of integrating children with individual needs. We observed and participated in activities organised by the teachers, where we saw the facilitation of the adaptation of pupils from other countries, the inclusion of speakers of other languages, the work with children with different individual needs, such as music, cognitive activities, art therapy, counting, working with children with different individual needs, using modern technologies. We have learnt about adapting outdoor and indoor environments for children with individual needs. The school shared the support system it has developed for future first-graders, while the Kindergarten shared the preparation of children for school to facilitate their transition from one institution to another. After getting a closer look at the work of Estonian schools, we worked as a team to prepare the future
The director of the Panevezys Kindergarten "Gintarelis," K.Brinkliene, and the vice director for education, D. Aliukiene, participated in the Preparatory visit of the international Nordplus Junior program project "International collaboration of educational institutions - a key to better education for children," which took place at the Kohtla-Järve Tammiku Primary school in Estonia. During the visit, we also visited the Kohtla-Järve Kindergarten "Karuke" in Estonia, which was not a partner in the Preparatory visit but gladly agreed to become a future partner for the new project. We got to know the institutions and the education system in Estonia these days. Each institution shared practical experiences of inclusive education in their daily activities, incorporating children with individual needs in the education process. We observed and participated in activities organised by the teachers, where we saw the facilitation of the adaptation of pupils from other countries, the inclusion of speakers of other languages, the work with children with different individual needs, such as music, cognitive activities, art therapy, counting, working with children with different individual needs, using modern technologies. We got to know about the adaptation of outdoor and indoor environments for children with individual needs in institutions. Representatives of the school shared their assistance system for future first graders, and the Kindergarten focused on preparing children for school to facilitate the transition from one institution to another. Having a closer look at the work of Estonian schools, we worked in the team to prepare the application for the upcoming project. We discussed the project's goals, objectives, expected outcomes, implementation possibilities, priorities, key insights, organizational and implementation phases, responsibilities, activities, contributions of each institution, and the division of responsibilities. During the Preparatory visit, we familiarized ourselves with the city of Kohtla-Järve and its surroundings, as well as the local culture. We are delighted to have the opportunity to continue our cooperation with previous project partners and to get to know new partners with whom we will continue our collaboration.